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How to Write Effective Copy for Your Staff Communications

Effective and efficient communication is one of the most important things for companies of all sizes and operating in different industries. If your internal communications are poorly organized, you will start getting in trouble fairly quickly.
That’s why it is so important to ensure that your HR department knows how to communicate with your employees effectively. Moreover, it is also necessary to teach all your employees how to communicate correctly for maximum efficiency. Hence, here’s how to write effective copy for your staff communications.
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How HR Can Foster More Open Communication in the Office

Effective communication is the linchpin of high-performing businesses. Open communication can improve trust in the workplace, speed up decision-making, minimize errors, and improve the health and well-being of staff.
However, many offices suffer from poor communication. Departments are split into silos and some staff members do not feel that they can raise concerns and queries without fear of reprisal.
Human resources can fix dysfunctional workplaces by promoting more open, honest communication. HR has the power to bring people together and can act as a catalyst for more, respectful, regular communication.
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How Communication Gaps Affect the Recruitment Process

The process of recruitment becomes seamless when there is no communication gap between the recruiter and candidates. In order to effectively engage in the recruitment of appropriate candidates, it is imperative to eliminate any communication gaps.
When efficacious communication is ensured, the employers are able to swift through the bulk of candidates and track down the most appropriate one for the vacant post. Hence, when communication gaps are least or absolutely abandoned, the recruitment process is boosted, and simultaneously the candidates open up about their experiences, expectations and willingness to grow.
The adverse effects of the communication gap are dual-natured. That is, the employers and employees both are under its influence. As far as the recruitment process is concerned, communication matters a lot to carry it smoothly until the candidate is onboard.
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How to Write Great Emails for Employee Retention?

Employee retention is one of the biggest challenges that businesses find themselves struggling with. Indeed, there could be quite a few employees leaving your company for a variety of reasons. 

One of the tools you can use to try to make them stay is email marketing. By crafting the right emails and sending them to your employees, you could improve their satisfaction with their jobs and reduce your employee turnover rates. Hence, here’s how to write great emails for employee retention.
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Using Tech to Boost Employee Communication

On one hand, companies today fear the notion of digital overload as they begin utilizing so many different digital tools. The initial idea might be to simplify their workflow or to make it easier for remote teams to connect, but over time, the overwhelming use of digital might become counterproductive. What this often leads to is a general fear of introducing new tools or replacing old and outdated ones based on the premise that “it works”. What if it could work better, with something more advanced and innovative at your disposal?
Technology is rapidly evolving, and that means that your business can, too. Choosing to upgrade to certain tech solutions and move from an outdated platform to a more modern one makes perfect sense in this competitive universe. It means giving your employees the necessary means to be more productive, engaged, and to collaborate seamlessly. Here are a few tech ideas to bear in mind when you’re looking to improve your internal communication!
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Ways to Communicate Effectively With Your Foreign Remote Workers

Effective communication is mandatory for employers who want to keep their foreign remote workers informed, supported, and motivated enough to be optimally engaged and productive. It helps develop a sense of belonging and nurtures teamwork among team members who don’t get enough in-person interactions, if at all. Follow these 5 tips if you are looking for ways to communicate as effectively as possible with your foreign remote workers.

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Do You Work With a Jerk?

If so, your work life must experience some difficult and challenging moments and we can empathize because we frequently hear about jerks in our research.

A jerk is a person who is unlikable, cruel, rude, small minded, who talks behind other people’s backs, and basically treats other people badly. Perhaps you work with some ‘prima donna’ employees who appear to get away with every trick in the book because they excel at their jobs. They can be life sucking and toxic so it is no wonder researchers study jerks to better understand the impact they are having on our work experience and how that impacts productivity, and job satisfaction. As employee researchers, we often see the impact jerks have on overall organizational performance and how they can wreak havoc on productivity and morale.

What the research shows is that people who spread their bad energy to others are often the squeaky wheels or ‘de-energizers’ in your organization. In a study from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business researchers found that what ‘managers may not realize is that this type of behavior spreads a dark cloud over everyone else, and the whole organization suffers’.

If you are not sure if the problem is you or your colleague, ask yourself if when you interact with that person do you feel:
a. Deflated or depleted?
b. Rejuvenated and energized?

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Ways To Heal Employees Caught In The Shame Blame Game

As humans when someone accuses, blames or shames us most of us react in one of six ways. We will either withdraw, become defensive, lash out in a counter attack, beat ourselves up internally, be a people-pleaser in order to counter the inner feelings of never being good enough or, we look for a solution to the problem that results in positive change (which we all recognize is the healthiest response but not the easiest to do).

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Does Office Gossip Help or Hurt Us?

Most of us would agree that office gossip can be deadly.

Many of us also know how much it hurts to be backstabbed by the people who greet us every day with a smile and cheerful ‘hi’ in the hallway. Yet some researchers have shown that gossip can be good for us and it can even be used to enhance relationships. They have even gone so far to say that talking behind someone’s back can bring about increased harmony amongst co-workers. 

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Body Language And How it Impacts Employee Engagement

Managers who understand the basic rules of body language have a unique ability to influence employee engagement by their ability to use non-verbal messages to know their employee’s true feelings. U.S. anthropologist and body language expert Ray Birdwhistell discovered decades ago that 95 percent of communication happens in our subconscious minds and then it is expressed through our body language. Taken one step further, Linda Talley, a current expert in body language, says that a person can say something which may not be true but their body language will always tell the truth.

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Insightlink Communications are experts in employee survey design, data collection and analysis. Since 2001 we've helped companies of all sizes measure and improve their employee satisfaction and engagement.

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