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4Cs Blog: Happy Employees = Happy Customers

Take Action and Make Changes

Using Your Employee Survey Effectively

After hearing, over and over again through the grapevine, that your workers were not happy, you decided to take action. Instead of calling a meeting and insisting they reveal their grievances, right then and there, you decided to take a gentler, less invasive approach. You decide to have them complete an employee satisfaction survey. You've made a good choice.

The surveys are in and you have your results staring you in the face. Now, what do you do with those findings? Do you file them away OR do you start making changes within your organization?

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Stay on Top of Your Employee Satisfaction Scores

Improving Employee Satisfaction

Keeping your employees interested in their jobs, engaged in their tasks, and looking forward to their futures is hard work. Employers have their hands full already. They are trying to manage their organizations, improve their success rates and handle normal, everyday operations. Adding the task of keeping employees satisfied to that list can be quite overwhelming.


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Employee Surveys are NOT a Thing of the Past

There are many people out there who will tell you that employee surveys are a thing of the past. These people are under the impression that because of technology advances, there is no real need for an actual employee survey.

They believe that social media, text messaging, online surveys, and emails provide sufficient resources for employees to give their feedback. These people would be mistaken. No matter what types of advances in technology we make, there is always room for employee surveys – because you cannot afford to have unhappy employees in your midst. Here at Insightlink Communications, we specialize in employee satisfaction surveys.

Our surveys consist of various questions that are designed to give your workers a place to express their true thoughts and feelings. After completion of the surveys, we will create an employee satisfaction survey report that details the results. It is with this report that you will be able to determine any areas that are concerning to your employees. You cannot find this kind of information through an email or text message.

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Take Action After Employee Surveys

When you are concerned about disengaged employees on your staff, you give an employee survey to get to the root of the problem. Once the surveys are taken by all employees, you can sort through the results to find out exactly what your employees think about their jobs.

However, once you know the areas in which they want to see change, how do you go about actually making any changes? Change is hard for anyone to initiate, especially if you feel, as the owner, that nothing needs to change. When your employees tell you differently, it can be a blow to your ego – and it can also make you fearful of making changes that could adversely affect your business. After you have your employees submit to a survey, you must take some sort of action with the results. Finding out what their problems are will do no-one any good unless you address as many problems as possible. Sure, there are bound to be problems that you cannot fix.



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Improve Employee Attitudes to Keep Them on Staff

With a high unemployment rate, you might think that finding and keeping employees for your business will be easy. You have a huge pool of applicants from which to choose. Sure, people in need of a job are going to jump on the chance to finally start earning a living. However, if they ultimately wind up unhappy with their job, they will leave as soon as possible for something better.

Approximately 70% of workers are dissatisfied with their current job. It is up to you as a business owner to be that “something better,” so you do not have to worry about losing good workers. One method of improving the operations of your business is with an employee attitude survey. This survey uses a series of questions to find out how your workers feel about their jobs. It helps to gauge their attitudes about pay, benefits, hours, working environment, and much more. With this type of information, you can determine the areas in which you need to make improvements.

Making improvements will help your business become the place where everyone wants to work – the place where employees stay for many years because they are happy. Rather than just asking your employees face-to-face how they feel – an option that is not likely to garner truthful answers – surveys allow employees to express themselves without fear of repercussions. Here at Insightlink Communications, we can assist you in giving your workers these attitude surveys. We will provide you with a report detailing the results, and you can decide from there what changes need to be made. Contact us today to learn more.  

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Taking the Guesswork Out of Staff Satisfaction Surveys

When you have your employees submit a staff satisfaction survey, what do you do with the results? Do you file them away after giving them a quick read-through? Do you even bother reading the surveys? Are you uncertain what to do with the information you get from the surveys?

Insightlink Communications is here to help make the survey process easier on you and more useful to your business. We take the guesswork out of employee surveys. We offer a wide range of surveys you can use to help gain some insight into the minds of your employees. Once the surveys are completed, we will create a report for you to help you understand the results. With this information, you can then decide which areas you want to change.

Now, keep in mind that just because an employee has a problem with something, does not mean that you have to change it. There are some things that cannot be changed, right away, if at all. This does not mean that you do not value the employee’s opinion – it just means that you are unable to take action, right now. However, there are many areas in which you can make changes, and making these changes will send a message to your workers that you want to create a positive working environment.

If you would like to learn more about our employee surveys and how they can be beneficial to your business, contact us today. Our experts will answer any questions you have and help get you set up for your first round of employee surveys.  

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Get Your Workers Engaged and Keep Them Engaged

Getting your employees to engage in their jobs and in the success of the business is one thing – keeping them engaged is another. Employees that are not happy with their jobs are not productive. They will quickly leave for a new job as soon as possible. That is why you, as the business owner, have to take action and find out what issues they might have -- and address them.

Fixing the problems is a way of letting your employees know that you value their opinions. It gets them engaged in their jobs and in the success of your business. You can start the engagement process with the use of a survey. Employee satisfaction surveys use various questions to dig deeper within each worker and find out any possible issues. The employee satisfaction survey questions can consist of multiple choice answers, or even open-ended answers, providing your employees with a place to describe in their own words any issues they have.

Once you have the completed surveys in hand, you can evaluate them and figure out where you can make changes. It is essential that you do your best to make necessary and feasible changes. This lets your employees know that they actually matter to you, that you take their thoughts seriously, and that you want to make things better. Here at Insightlink Communications, we can help you get to the bottom of disengaged employees and help you create a better working environment.


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Satisfaction Surveys Are Here to Stay

Businesses across the country have been utilizing employee satisfaction surveys for years to gauge the overall happiness of their workers. Surveys have long provided workers with a place to share their grievances about their jobs, as well as their satisfaction. Surveys have given workers a chance to vent under anonymous conditions, which give them the freedom to speak their minds without fear of repercussions.

However, some believe that the use of employee surveys may eventually end, thanks to technology. In today’s technological world, employees can voice their opinions through a myriad of resources, such as social media and email. While these avenues are not necessarily anonymous – unless a worker has more than one account under different names – they do provide a fast and easy way to get points across.

These avenues also work in reverse – with a quick email, an employer can let the entire staff know that they are doing a good job. The fact remains that no matter how much technology provides instant gratification, there is still a place for employee surveys. These surveys are more than just simple, open-ended questions. These surveys utilize questions that are complex and worded in such a manner as to reveal the truth. These surveys seek more than just a yes or no answer – they seek in-depth answers; the kind of answers that provide employers with detailed knowledge about overall satisfaction rates.

You simply cannot find those kind of answers in a Facebook post or a mass email. Contact Insightlink Communications, today, to learn more about the value of employee surveys in the workplace.  

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A Satisfaction Survey is Only the First Step

A Satisfaction Survey is Only the First Step Asking your employees to submit an employee satisfaction survey is a great first step toward improving overall engagement. You want your employees to be engaged – you want them to care about their jobs, to care about the success of the business, and to feel like a part of the success. However, a survey is only that – a survey.

It is the first step in what should be many steps toward improving engagement. If you only have your workers take the survey, and then do nothing with the results, you will not see any improvements in engagement. Your workers will probably have no issue with taking the survey. It will give them a chance to vent about their frustrations with their jobs, as well as a chance to praise the areas where they are satisfied. If they take the survey and do not see that you are making any changes, they will be less engaged, because they will feel as if their opinions do not matter. That is why you must take action after having your workers take a satisfaction survey.

You have to implement changes where possible. When changes are going to be made, you need to inform your employees about the changes and explain the reasoning. When workers request changes that you cannot feasibly make, you need to take the time to explain why – they may not like your reasoning, but they will respect you for being forthright. Show your employees that you value their opinions, and take them seriously, by not only having them take surveys, but also by using those survey results to improve the overall operations of your business.  

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Improve Retention with an Employee Morale Survey

In today’s struggling economy, there is no shortage of people needing a job. That makes it pretty easy for a business owner to find employees. However, retaining those employees – keeping them on staff for the long haul – is another story.

Statistics have shown that about one out of every five new employees will leave their job within the first year. When employees leave, that leaves you – the business owner – struggling to fill the vacant position. Hiring yet another new employee involves all the necessary paperwork and training, all over again. Instead of facing the prospect of having to constantly hire new workers to replace those that leave, focus your efforts on keeping the workers you have.

One way to improve retention is with an employee morale survey. This type of survey can be given at various intervals over the course of a worker’s employment. For instance, you could give an employee a survey at the start of their employment to find out about any areas of weakness in the hiring and training process. Then, you could give another survey a few months later to find out how the employee feels about overall operations.

These types of surveys keep you in touch with your workers and help you to understand any areas of concern. Insightlink Communications is an expert in the area of employee surveys. We offer various types of surveys to help you get to the bottom of high turnover rates and to assist you in improving retention. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of our surveys.  

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Insightlink Communications are experts in employee survey design, data collection and analysis. Since 2001 we've helped companies of all sizes measure and improve their employee satisfaction and engagement.

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